Party could be defined by being that celebration which is always marked with joy and happy moments. Regardless of the kind of that party whether birthday, graduation, prom or even wedding, every attendant took care of being stylish and elegant. When it comes to girls, it seems very important to them to be updated with fashion trends. That’s why; girls innovate new styles to wear in every party they attend. Some girls tried to be like an Indian woman in sari uniform, others prefer to wear Pakistani uniform and others wanted to be like a ladylike in an elegant dress to liken her mother. Red, yellow, purple, green, orange and pink are almost all the preferred colors to girls. As for fabrics, dresses can be made of rich fabrics like lace, silk, satin, chiffon or stretch fabrics like Lycra. Moreover, dresses could differ in its lengths and shapes; they could be of knee length or floor length or of mermaid, pleated or hourglass shapes. Finally, with or without dresses, girls will always be princesses.
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